City University of Hong Kong
School of Law (SLW)

Feedback Form for International Exchange Programme

Questions marked with a * are required
Semester for joining the exchange:
Type of exchange you joined:
Host University (for CityU outgoing exchange students) / Home University (for incoming exchange students to CityU) :
1) Did you find the exchange programme experience pleasant? Why and why not?
Reason (if any)
2) I found the programme useful.
Reason (if any)
3) What did you learn or enjoy most?
4) What difficulties did you come across before and / or during the exchange programme and how did you / the hosting university help you to overcome them?
5) How did you benefit from the exchange programme?
6) Is there any room for improvement (e.g. announcement / publicity / application process)?
7) Would you recommend your fellow classmates to join the exchange programme?
7) Would you recommend your fellow classmates to join the exchange programme?
8) Did the overall exchange programme experience fulfil your expectations?
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